Friday 5 May 2017


I had the demo yesterday. I felt it went well but I was a bit nervous. The nerves came out of nowhere for me. I'm not sure I answered all the questions right even though I know the project inside out! I was concentrating too much on the plan I had for the demo and not enough on the project itself. I felt that the lecturers were impressed that I managed to get it up to the MMserver as well as Register365 and how I bought the domain name The project seemed a bit askew in places also. The search bar had previously been in the centred but went askew in the demo.
Overall, I am happy with how the project went. I put a lot of time and effort into it and it paid off.

Tuesday 2 May 2017


Got project up to server on Friday. Wrote final report over weekend, finishing and printing it off today.
Fixed issue I was having with server by deleting an extra column on database.
Uploaded final report to Moodle. Taking a copy of everything on CD now.

Friday 28 April 2017


Created a video yesterday. It is in the about section of the website. The idea behind the video is to give users a taster of what is to come on the site.

Tuesday 25 April 2017


Today I will tweak the rest of project. Then tomorrow I will carry out testing and then for the rest of the week I will finish final report. On Tuesday I will put it on a server and get bound copies and then the demo is the 4th or 5th of May.


I made some more progress. I finally got the profile picture working. It looks really good. Also tweaked a lot of other elements.
Updated database to include new content.
General cleaning up.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

More progress

I hooked my project up to a new database that I created. It's called 'travel' and I have an 'article' table instead of 'notice'. I also created an animated 'down' arrow for the index page. I also tidied up some bits and pieces in the project.

Tuesday 18 April 2017


I worked solidly on FYP today. I made some good progress but have a way to go still. I have a checklist of functionality that I would like to achieve. I managed to make a responsive sitemap and navigation bar. Along with tidying up some surface items. I added the rating widget and like button also.